The First Citizen and Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Mary Rasmussen Invited The City’s Youngest Authors & World’s Youngest Author of Multiple Books ( who are siblings) for A Special Visit/ Meeting and Liverpool Townhall Tour! On behalf of the young authors and the Likambi family, we would like to express our profound and heartfelt gratitude to Cllr Mary Rasmussen for having the young authors on Monday and use the opportunity to share some of the special moments we captured with you.

Earlier this year, Likambi Global Publishing hosted The Creative Genius Conference in celebration of World Book Day, which included the launch of Caleb Likambi’s debut book Tammy & The Shipwreck. Much to our gratitude, our honoured guest, The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Mary Rasmussen officially opened the conference, and delivered an inspirational keynote speech/ launch Caleb’s book. Due to the hard work that had been displayed by Destiny Likambi, Latoya Likambi, and Caleb Likambi, The Lord Mayor invited all three young authors to visit the Town Hall for tea and to receive an exclusive tour.

We are profoundly grateful to Cllr. Mary Rasmussen for her generosity and for this privilege and opportunity. What a remarkable experience for the children who thoroughly enjoyed their trip and exclusive information, including a rare gift of a golden Liver Bird each! 

It was a true honour and privilege not just for the Likambi children and young authors, but for us all as a family and publishing company. The children/ authors have not stopped talking about their experience which is priceless, and how kind  and loving the Lord Mayor is. The experience was truly rich and memorable for the authors, who learned so much. They have also had the unique opportunity to experience first-hand some of the priceless benefits of hard work. 

Each one of them had the opportunity to ask the Lord Mayor questions and also signed copies of their published books with a thank you message for The Lord Mayor. They were also offered special gifts by the Lord Mayor during their visit, reserved for a selected few. It was a truly humbling experience and we are profoundly grateful for this privilege and opportunity.

The hard work of these young inspirational authors has really paid off and each achievement proves that working hard and chasing your dreams can open all kinds of doors for you! We look forward to many more chances and experiences like this! 

Check out some of the photos and special moments below, and I hope they inspire you and your little ones.

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